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What  is an Oddfellow's Picnic?

It is a leisurely drive on a summer day. It is a cold beer after a long week. It is a love song to hard luck homesteaders.

Meeting as coworkers on an organic farm in Noti, Oregon, Oddfellow's Picnic grew out of a friendship and into a band after years of countryside jam sessions. Placing the sounds of '70's rock & roll to a modern context, the band's music quickly became the soundtrack to summer pig roasts and late night barn parties.

Oddfellow's Picnic take the DIY mentality of a small-scale farmer and apply it to song writing and home recording sessions, creating original material in rural Junction City.  The band released the "Live in the Living Room" EP in 2017 and followed with "a Long Way from Yesterday" Ep in 2018.  They are currently writing and recording new material.    

The Band

Guitar & Vocals: Joshua Pitney 
Bass: Jeremy Mixon 
Drums: Adam Lee

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